University Hospital Limerick anaesthetics Department Friday 5th November

Introducing Next Generation SedLine® Brain Function Monitoring

A More Complete Picture Starts with More Complete Data

Root® with Next Generation SedLine Brain Function Monitoring helps clinicians monitor the state of the brain under anesthesia with bilateral data acquisition and processing of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals.

Next Generation SedLine Features:

  • Four simultaneous channels of frontal EEG waveforms

  • An enhanced Patient State Index (PSi), a processed EEG parameter related to the effect of anesthetic agents

  • A Density Spectral Array (DSA) display, which contains left and right spectrograms representing the power of the EEG on both sides of the brain

  • An optional Multitaper DSA, which may enhance visibility of EEG features


Improved Patient State Index (PSi)

Next Generation SedLine features an enhanced signal processing engine which provides an enhanced Patient Sate Index (PSi), a processed EEG parameter related to the effect of anesthetic agents.

EEG experts scored the improvement in PSi performance between the original SedLine PSi and Next Generation SedLine PSi. A 25% average improvement in Next Generation PSi performance was found.

Expert Scoring of Next Generation SedLine1

To evaluate the performance of Original PSi and Next Generation PSi, independent EEG experts reviewed cases with both Original PSi and Next Generation PSi (blinded to the version), along with additional clinical information (MOAAS scores, EEG waveforms, drug doses, and vital signs). Compared to the expert-assessed anesthetic depth, an error was defined as a case when expert assessment of PSi was ‘Low’ or ‘High’ and success was defined as a case when the expert assessment of PSi was ‘Good’.

Parallel Signal Processing Engines

EMG is a common confounding factor that can interfere with EEG signals used in brain function monitoring.2 Next Generation SedLine utilizes Masimo’s Parallel Signal Processing Engines to extract a clearer EEG signal for computing PSi.

This image captures a moment when Next Generation SedLine detects EMG in the two engines depicted.

Adaptive Signal Processing with
Band-Independent Features

Power across all frequency bands decreases with age.3 When computing PSi, Next Generation SedLine uses adaptive signal processing with band-independent features to search for EEG features across many frequency bands.

Multitaper Density Spectral Array (DSA)

Next Generation SedLine offers clinicians the flexibility of choosing to display either an enhanced Multitaper Density Spectral Array (DSA) or a standard Hanning DSA. The DSA contains left and right spectrograms representing the power of the EEG on both sides of the brain.

When using a Multitaper DSA, EEG data are transformed into the frequency domain, which may provide a better display of EEG features.

A More Complete Picture of the Brain

The Next Generation SedLine module easily plugs into the Root patient monitoring platform via Masimo Open Connect® (MOC-9®) ports. Root’s customizable, easily-interpretable display offers multiple views of brain monitoring information expanding visibility in the operating room and intensive care unit.

Next Generation SedLine can be used simultaneously with O3® Regional Oximetry on the Root platform for a more complete picture of the brain.

Multitaper Density Spectral Array (DSA)

  • Four active EEG leads collect data in the frontal lobe
  • Soft foam pads for comfortable application on a patient’s forehead
  • Adhesive anchors ensure secure sensor placement for optimal signal quality
  • Pre-filled gel electrodes help streamline sensor application workflows
  • Application graphics for O3 regional oximetry sensor placement simplify simultaneous application of both monitoring technologies